The Bower Path

Here we have probably one of the most ‘walked’ area’s in our town. Cyclists, Dog Walkers and just normal folk getting some gentle exercise.
Views across the Manor Field, St Mary’ Church and Boats going about navigating
‘The Bower’ and ‘Ashline Lock’ along with fishermen.

It is probably one of the most peaceful places to wander in our town.
So why isn’t the Pathway/Towpath being looked after.
For many years various Councillors have done their best to address some of the concerns.

The Dog Walkers Group, have done a fantastic job of keeping and educating others of keeping the area reasonably free of ‘Dog Poo’.

The state of the path and the ‘wild’ nettles + overgroath of weeds can make it difficult to negotiate the pathway.
The ‘issue’ is that there are various different organisations responsible for this few hundred metres of path…..The Mid-Level Commissioners, Cambridgeshire CC, Fenland District Council and even possibly the Environment Agency…..
None will take on maintainance of the bulk of the area.
I accept that the Ashline Lock, where Boat users navigate the Ashline Lock, the Mooring area and Briggate East/West are maintained….the issues and concerns being the rest of the Towpath.

I/we are now grateful for a community spirited member of the public who today single handed chopped and cut back 3-4 foot tall weeds and stinger nettles so that folk including ladies with prams could get by without being scratched and stung.

I have made enquiries – and like the rest of the Councillors got the same answer –
NO MONEYthe answer I’ve been getting for many years on just getting simple things done.
I am on the case – I can not promise it will be fixed – but I will not let it go away.
Never mind (two) country parks – which have yet to materialise – here we have something just as important – it just needs some TLC and NOT a lot of money.

Thanks to RE who today cut back a big swathe of stinger nettles, weeds and rubbish.

The community payback team used to look after it when asked, but yet again since the semi-privatisation of the Probation Service,
it is in essence being run for a ‘profit’ – The Government have stated that ‘some’ of the Probabtion Service will be returned to the Home Office…..

Again their answer is Money…. – We just keep on paying!!!!

In late spring the wild foliage can look quite stunning – it is later on it needs maintaining.

©All photo’s Roy Gerstner

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