Some Very Good News – Pondersbridge

For a number of years, residents of Ponderbridge have complained about speeding issues.
There is an active ‘Speed-Watch’ group who have ‘clocked’ vehicles going at more than 70mph through the village.
(30mph speed limit).

Cambs CC Cllr David Connor has for some time been trying to raise funding for a LHI – (Local Highway Improvements)

He has successfully obtained a commitment from PCC Jason Ablewhite, Cambs CC and Whittlesey TC – however WTC Councillors thought that Ramsey Town Council should also contribute to the scheme. At Ramsey TC last month a formal proposal was passed and agreed to fund up to £3,000 towards the LHI traffic calming scheme at Pondersbridge.
WTC  Cllr Miscandlon and Whitewell both spoke in favour at the meeting.

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