Criticism – No One Accountable KD Crossing

I make no apology – am I the only local Councillor to keep making any noise about the Kings Dyke Crossing travesty (a term I used on many occasions in respect of the Supermarket debacle (ignominious failure; a fiasco) and the Showfields (Planning Issues).
In todays press Cambs Times® reports on at least one County Councillor Herbert to ask some questions of Mayor Palmer – who as I have quoted before has only been on the scene recently – pouring a considerable amount of Tax Payers money (I am a tax payer) on what is becoming almost a comedy of errors.
I am not one who normally likes ‘Blame Culture’ – I have witnessed and been subjected myself to allegations that have not been true, there is a difference in holding those responsible to account, whether that be Councillors of any rank, Management of the scheme, or Council officials who have ‘attempted’ to deliver.

Of course one of my favourite quotes – What Whittlesey wants – its doesn’t get. What Whittlesey doesn’t want it normally gets.

Cambs Times Click Here


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