WTC Meeting Wednesday 14th November 2018 (Part 1)

Disclaimer: These observations are not the ‘official’ minutes of the meeting, these are supplied by Whittlesey Town Council, normally (1) month following the meeting and can be viewed on their website.

11 Councillors present, apologies from Cllrs Jolley, Wicks and Garratt.
9 Members of the public and County Cllr David Connor.

Presentation to local Kick Boxing Association.




2/Presentation by Mr Laurence Seaton President of Rotary Whittlesey, about partnership with the Fire Service to install ‘Smoke Alarms/Detectors’ in the Whittlesey area.
Through his company ‘Buttercross Auctions’ he offered the council donations of furniture and other household items for the (2) Flats on top of the ‘new’ council building for the Syrian refugee’s who maybe arriving in the new year.
Rotary are supporting ‘No Pain/No Gain’ and Whittlesey Youth Counselling Service.

1/ Police Matters, Cllr’s Windle & Mason had a meeting with Sgt Lugg about various issues and concerns within Whittlesey.

2/ Public Forum – I thanked the Council, Royal British Legion and others involved in Sunday’s commemoration of Armistice Day.
I brought up yet again the on-going issues of NO painted on our Zebra Crossings and other lining problems in town – I highlighted that other Fenland towns had been done this year – but not Whittlesey.

I brought up another on-going issue of ‘Discarded Road Signs’ left for months by contractors. Over the years ‘we’ have found dozens upon dozens of Road Signs
Update @ 15th/10:15 – Somone in a Truck is collecting Road Signs around Whittlesey.
Fantastic News at last…. that’s until the next time…..

Cllr David Connor, who sat beside me – was given the opportunity of reply:
The ‘Paint’ for Whittlesey had been looked into, and costing had been done
(Update £6450) – however — now that the weather has become wet and damp!!! the cost would be greater due to heating required to dry the paint…..However he did say that the ‘Zebra’s will be done – but gave not date. He asked me if I could give him locations of the discarded Road Signs. (Update :- See above)

He informed the council about the updated ‘finances’ of the Kings Dyke Crossing – and mentioned that at this time, ‘The Land had still not been purchased’ but hoped it would be – as any further details could result in the cost of the project…..?

I am gob smacked about the ‘Paint’ issues – this has been on-going for over 6 months both at WTC and with Cllr Connor (NO Money) – well I hate to say this but wait until an accident occurs. Initially the cost I was told was £5000 – it now ‘appears’ to have increased!!!
I have sent Cllr Connor a list of where 10 discarded Road Signs are in the town.
(See above – result)
Mr Bernard Grey-Esson, also thanked and congratulated those for Sundays events in the Town & Villages. He also brought up the for-ever issues of no toilet facilities at Kings Delph. (Update : Permission has been obtained to install the toilet).
He also mentioned that Ramsey Road to Pondersbridge re-surfacing he was informed had run out of money and only a part of the road had been completed.

3/ Other items on the agenda discussed – briefly :-

a/ There are on-going meeting in regards to the A605 Whittlesey being designated at HCV route, many believe this should not be so and should be re-classified.
b/ There are on-going meeting in regards to The Market Town Strategy – Cllr Curtis commented that Whittlesey needs a ‘springboard’ not a mirror image of the other Fen Towns.
c/ Must Farm – next meeting with those concerned will be in February.
d/ Property Working Group – (Re-furbishing Old Police Station to New Council Office)
5 Tenders for the work had been received 3 of which were from Whittlesey businesses.
e/ Syrian Refugee’s – It is anticipated that the refurbishment of the flats will be completed by 01st February. (Note Mr Laurence Seatons generous donation of furniture etc)
f/ There is to be a ‘new’ bus stop along A605/Peterborough Road – hopefully near the old Westhaven Nursery site.
g/ Whittlesey Railway Station, is to get another ‘Ticket machine’ although the one which was installed recently – prints tickets of a very low quality.
An information board maybe coming in 2019.
The issue of ‘poor lighting’ was mentioned (again).
The much wanted and anticipated ‘Hourly Service’ is not coming in the near future.

There was a somewhat funny discussion about recent events at the ‘New’ Council Offices.
Cllr Miscandlon informed that though the working group, he had a meeting with a contractor to clear the site of any scrap metal and bulk items.
He informed that ‘he’ had drilled a hole in the fuel tank and removed approximately 40 litres of ‘Red Diesel’ – so that the contractor could dismantle the tank and could be used for the contractors onsite of the building.
There was some debate then as – if he had been ‘correct’ in doing this, as any ‘assets’ were ‘Publically’ owned, along with a Diesel Generator, which he stated was never used in anger and was installed in 1994.
Cllr Curtis questioned that everything should be ‘transparent’ due to the nature of the ‘assets’ – Cllr Miscanlon had discussed this with the Property Working Group.

Even if the generator is quite old – I would imagine it has been very well maintained until the Police Station closed and depending on its power would still be worth money – surely this should be valued before ‘selling’ it for scrap.
Red diesel can be used by contractors on site – for their plant and machinery – 40 litres !!!

Next meeting will be on Wednesday 12th December 2018

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