Neighbourhood Watch – AGM

Last night – Whittlesey NHW AGM took place, Cllr & Mayor Mrs Julie Windle (also a NHW member) gave a short talk on the high value & safety that NHW can offer a community.

Whittlesey NHW has 44 Co-ordinators and a membership of some 244

Our area covers Whittlesey, Eastrea, Coates, Turves and Benwick.

I was re-elected Chairman of the group for the 7th year, along with Robin Sutton – Secretary and John Garnett – Treasurer.
We have an extremely good network of communication both with the Police and ourselves.
We receive official crime issues and reports
We have our own priority access in reporting crime
Our philosophy is to be better neighbours and to keep our areas safe
We have our own excellent website which has a vast array of information.

We do suffer crime, burglaries, theft, and anti-social behaviour – we are not complacent and will inform as necessary.
As Chairman, I attend many meetings within Cambridgeshire, and am on the Executive committee of Cambs NHW – I make sure our voice is heard within Cambs Police and make representation when required by our membership.

My thanks to the members attending in re-electing me as your Chairman.



If you would like to become a member or a co-ordinator and join the 240+ members we already have – there are NO costs involved.
Please contact:-
Mr Robin Sutton (Secretary)  email      [email protected]




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