What is a ‘Neighbourhood Plan?’

Whittlesey Town Council are in the process of putting together a ‘Neighbourhood Plan’
The complexities are beyond the remit of myself. It is a long process, there is a ‘link’ on the WTC Website which at present is empty.
My knowledge is limited but I picked up a leaflet last week when at meeting in Wisbech, from ‘ACRE’ ® they help (for a fee) for Town and Parish Councils to process the paperwork for a ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ to be in place.
March Town Council are well forward with their plan, and a link below to their website may help ‘some’ of these complexities.
NP 01  NP 02  NP 03  NP 04© ACRE

It is my belief that WTC are still someway off getting all the criteria together before they can submit their Neighbourhood Plan.

I might of course suggest, that should anyone be interested, they contact there own Councillor (All details on the WTC Website) and see if their Councillor can explain, what the benefits of a Neighbourhood Plan is.

Fenland District Council has a ‘Core Strategy Plan’ in place, and all Town and Parish Councils are part of that plan.

There are various ‘tools’ and information by searching for example ‘Google’©
Neighbourhood Planning.

If you have a ‘few’ days to spare, it may prove interesting reading material.

The March Plan is 78 pages long, it was prepared by McKenzie Town Planning Ltd
(Mr McKenzie being an ex employee of FDC – Planning Dept)

MARCH-TOWN-PLAN © March Town Council
If you read the above ‘Plan’ it will give an ‘idea’ of what is trying to be achieved!




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