The ‘Accident’ – Waiting to Happen…?

SP 150813-05   SP 150813-02   SP 150813-01
(Click on Picture for enlargements)
Yesterday afternoon (13th August) the usual ‘suspected ‘Truck/Lorry’ could not make a ‘Safe’ turning into Church Street…., this is the 3rd known occasion this has happened, and you can see from the photos the damage done.
Only this week – blow me down with a feather – the path has been resurfaced – this also has has some minor damage done to it.
I/we have carried out work on our ‘Rose Garden’ project for several years, and I know that on a nice day several dozens of people/children/prams plus a 94 years old man (Ex milkman) use this pathway, it is a Major Path in/out of the town.
So now we have to ask, is it only a matter of time, when some poor unfortunate individual gets caught on the corner as a lorry tries to negotiate it.
I have the answer but it won’t happen under the nanny FDC H&S rules – Many authorities use a great 2 ton iron Bell on dangerous corners – clip that at your peril and serious damage will happen to your vehicle (Money).

But as with the ‘illegal’ cutting down of trees at Otago Close – FDC’s enforcement does not seem to have any authority does ‘anyone’. Fortunately it appears that the latest issue with the owner building a fence on land he does not own – seems to have been resolved – mainly due to ‘People Power’
Otago 01A Otago 04A
(Click on Picture for enlargements)

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