My Priorities – If Elected!

As I have said many times, I can make no promises (unlike MP’s!) I can do my very best to lobby and promote issues.
1/ If elected I will lobby and promote for an ALL weather bus shelter on Broad Street, with proper road markings for Buses.
2/ If elected I will lobby and promote for a Website for Whittlesey Town council. All our residents should be properly ‘informed’ in a timely manner about council business and not rely on ‘social media’ for hearsay or inaccuracies.
3/ If elected I will continue to lobby keeping our Whittlesey Re-cycling centre open
4/ If elected I will lobby to keep the Kings Dyke crossing at the for-front of Highways issues.
5/ If elected I will continue to lobby our Police & Crime Commissioner to keep our established number of Officers in our town.

This is just my top 5 – you may have more – if elected I will do my best to promote your views……the most recent being more Cycle Racks in and around our town to encourage more people to use Cycles.

SpeedWatch 03 SpeedWatch 04
Speed Watch campaign – At various locations in/around Whittlesey.©

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